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A Book Review and a Republication


A quick writing update from underneath a mountain of poetry books:

I read a book and Cleaver published my thoughts about it, mostly because I intern there and they told me to have thoughts about it, but also because it was a good book.

(But in all honesty it is a very good book, especially if you’re into very dark themes)

On an unrelated note:

A few months ago, the editor of Cleaver (where I published “Voltage“) told me that she’d forwarded my piece to a national undergraduate literary anthology called Plain China. A few weeks ago, an editor from Plain China told me that they’d accepted it. I’m starting to feel like a one-hit wonder. I’ll send around the link when they actually publish it so you can read it ON TWO DIFFERENT WEBSITES if you want.

Thanks to everyone who still reads this defunct travel blog.


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